
The Baby’s New Clothes. Diversity in Alarm Clock Production

In the 20th century, the alarm clock was the chief product of Black Forest clock factories. As time passed, its typical appearance underwent change.

The basic alarm clock shape is the baby alarm clock. Its round case rests on two tiny feet and a shrill bell sits on top. As from the 1920’s, particularly quiet low-noise movements, such as the “Leisetick” (Silent Tic), ticked away on the inside of the clock.

These baby alarm clocks were designed in a large variety of shapes. An American-style movement produced at a reasonable price assured punctual waking.

With the advent of the bell-back alarm clock, the position of the bell was changed from the top to the back of the case. Technological changes implemented even prior to 1920 made it possible to use the back of the case as a resonating body.

Stylized alarm clocks added to the appearance of the alarm clock. Whether the clocks were shaped like a flower or curved, high quality materials made alarm clocks visually appealing. 

Folding alarm clocks always carry their case with them. A particularly convenient travel accessory, the clock could be propped up on a night table when unfolded.